The Mom's on a Mission Package

This program is designed for Stay-At-Home Mom’s on a Mission to champion financial responsibility for their families. We guide you through four to six important conversations that create financial clarity and set your family’s financial plan in motion.

Initial Engagement

4-6 meetings | 3-6 months

Typically, in the first 3 meetings we cover a majority of the important details. Our pricing is based on the complexity of your situation, with a minimum of $2,850 and will not exceed $5,000. Factors that affect pricing include income types, investment types, marital status, blended families, children, and financial literacy.

Starts at: $2850 paid in 4 or 5 installments

We listen to your family values and customize a plan for you. Our research shows there are three influences that affect a women’s relationship with her career and her money.  Understand your values and clearly articulate your financial goals.

-Principal Based Financial Plan

-Assistance with tax preparation

-Estate planning overview

-Two Financial meetings throughout the year

Billing information
One-on-One details
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